a man looks at the camera
Michael Norton Credit: File photo

This week’s column was inspired by many of you, the people in my life who remind me through your check-ins and impromptu reach outs, that I have been blessed by so many of you personally, professionally, and spiritually in my life. I am a big fan of LinkedIn and use it daily as most of you know, and I also have a much greater appreciation for the many real and thoughtful people that I get to interact with as we go through this life together.

In today’s digitally driven world, it’s easy to equate the strength of our professional networks with the number of connections we have on platforms like LinkedIn. While online networking certainly has its merits, the true power of relationships extends far beyond virtual connections. From the close-knit circles of friends and family to the broader spheres of influence, genuine connections have the potential to open doors, create opportunities, and foster meaningful collaborations that transcend the confines of cyberspace.

At the heart of it all are the deep-seated relationships we cultivate over the years, both in our personal and professional lives. Whether it’s the unwavering support of family during times of adversity or the camaraderie of lifelong friends who celebrate our successes, these close connections enrich our lives in ways that extend far beyond business transactions or networking opportunities.

Within our professional circles, the bonds forged through shared experiences, collaborative efforts and mutual respect are equally invaluable. These trusted allies offer more than just career advice or industry insights; they provide a sense of solidarity and camaraderie that bolsters our confidence and resilience in the face of adversity.

Beyond our immediate circles is a vast network of acquaintances, colleagues and acquaintances of acquaintances whose paths intersect with ours in unexpected ways. While we may not share the same level of intimacy with these individuals, there is still a foundation of trust and connection that can be leveraged to mutual advantage.

In the realm of business, these connections can prove invaluable in unlocking new markets, forging strategic partnerships and securing lucrative opportunities. A recommendation from a trusted colleague or a referral from a respected industry contact carries more weight than a cold email or a generic LinkedIn connection request.

And beyond the realm of professional endeavors, the power of genuine connections extends to acts of kindness, support and altruism that enrich our lives and uplift our communities. Whether it’s lending a helping hand to a neighbor in need, volunteering for a charitable cause, or simply offering a listening ear to a friend in distress, these acts of compassion and empathy strengthen the fabric of our society and reinforce the bonds that unite us as human beings.

In essence, while online networking platforms like LinkedIn provide a valuable avenue for expanding our professional networks and connecting with like-minded individuals, the true power of relationships lies in the depth of human connection that transcends virtual interactions.

As we navigate the complexities of the digital age, let us not lose sight of the profound value of genuine relationships and the transformative power of human connection. I would love to hear your personal and professional connection story at gotonorton@gmail.com and if we remember that by nurturing and cultivating these connections, both online and offline, we can create a more interconnected, compassionate and prosperous world for ourselves and future generations. And that really will make it a better than good life.

Michael Norton is an author, a personal and professional coach, consultant, trainer, encourager and motivator of individuals and businesses, working with organizations and associations across multiple industries.

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