South – September 21, 2024 @ Legacy Campus

North – October 5, 2024 @ Arvada Center

In our journey towards collective well-being, there are few endeavors as meaningful and impactful as providing community health events. These occasions serve as vital pillars in our quest for a healthier, happier society, offering us the opportunity to come together, support one another, and strive towards a common goal: the betterment of our health and the enhancement of our quality of life.

At the heart of these events lies a profound mission – a mission that transcends mere medical check-ups and informational sessions. The goal is to foster a sense of unity, solidarity, and care within our community. It’s about reaching out to each other, lending a helping hand, and ensuring that every individual has access to the resources and knowledge they need to lead a healthy life.

We do it because we understand that health is not merely the absence of illness, but a state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being. By organizing community health events, we strive to empower individuals with the tools and information necessary to make informed decisions about their health. Whether it’s providing free screenings, offering educational workshops, or facilitating discussions on pertinent health topics, our aim is to equip each member of our community with the ability to take charge of their own well-being.

Moreover, these events serve as catalysts for positive change, inspiring us to adopt healthier habits, cultivate supportive networks, and create environments that nurture our holistic health. They remind us of the power of community and the profound impact we can have when we come together with a shared purpose.

So let us continue to come together, to support one another, and to strive towards a healthier, brighter future. For in our unity lies our strength, and in our collective efforts lies the promise of a healthier, happier tomorrow.

Total Wellness Partner

Wellness Advocate

Health Supporter

Balanced Being Sponsor

Vendor only

For additional questions and information please contact Carlie at