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  1. Hey guys, I’m trying to sign up, but your system won’t allow me for some reason. I’ve been a Brighton Blade customer for many years and wondered why I stopped getting my paper. Online is just fine. Thanks.

    1. Hi, Lauren!

      We have just switched over to a news system and still have a few bugs. Here is a link to our subscribe and support page:

      If you’d still like to receive the paper in print, you can reach out to our circulation department at circulation@

  2. Peak to Plains trail:Users of this trail and its future extensions along the creek should be warmed about 2 hazards. 1) ear shattering engine braking from the parade of trucks on the road. I have counted 5 trucks in 2 minutes roaring down the canyon 2) burning in your nose from the diesel exhaust trapped in the canyon.

  3. Hello, new subscriber here. I am wondering how to post an opinion. I have been published in some local newspapers writing a column or two. Wonder where that is available here. THANKS.

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