In the upcoming election the 27J School Board will have several seats available. Melinda Carbajal certainly is the candidate for us.

We believe that a board member is part of the community. Melinda has modeled that over and over again. She is always willing to support fundraising and activities at schools.

She is the proud mother of five children in 27J schools. That provides many opportunities to support the schools! Melinda has worked for 27J and I was always inspired by her creativity and leadership. She supported work that was beyond her position. Then the opportunity presented itself with the City of Brighton Youth Commission. She used her innovation and connection to connect with great young people.

Again, the opportunity presented Melinda with the chance to start her own business, Simply Pizza. Dive in, learn and grow has always be Melinda’s philosophy. She has grown the business from one food truck to multiple sites in Colorado.

You can count on Melinda to be prepared, provide a listening ear and seek the answers. She will not become part of political gossip and second-hand truths. You can see from the election that she is running that she has the energy to make a difference. That is what our community needs, more questions seeking of the truth and positive energy!

Help support Melinda do what is right for kids, VOTE!

Kelly and Sue Corbett, Brighton

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