• Cathy Kentner

Profession: Jeffco Public School teacher

Residence: Lakewood/Bonvue Neighborhood

Campaign Website: CathyforLakewood.com

Why are you seeking this office?

Ward 1 must be represented by someone who puts people and Lakewood first. Too often voices are ignored. I will continue to be an independent voice for the people, bringing your concerns to the table. As a teacher in Lakewood schools and a single parent I am the most qualified candidate to make decisions that protect our community from special interest overreach that comes at the expense of working families and those on fixed incomes.

What makes you the best person for the job?

I have the advantage of experience in working with the City’s legislative process, including serving on Planning Commission, Bonvue Water and Sanitation District Board, DRCOG’s Inclusionary Zoning panel, co-petitioner of the Lakewood Strategic Growth Initiative, and my longtime advocacy for neighborhood issues. I am an independent thinker, a person unafraid to represent the interests and needs of our community over special interest demands. I have and will make informed, equitable decisions based on well-researched facts.

What are your top three priorities if elected?

• Provide the necessary resources to ensure that neighborhood safety and security are our top priority.
• Require City Council approval for large development projects. Too often highly impactive projects are built without collaboration between the developer and neighborhoods
• Increase parks and open spaces. Residential developments, especially those surrounding West Colfax, should provide land instead of simply paying a nominal fee, which is neither sustainable nor effective in the battle against climate change resulting from unlimited development.

Has city hall done an appropriate job in implementing the citizen-approved growth ordinance?

No. To move forward with the growth initiative, city hall first must recognize and begin to address the underlying issues that prompted voters to approve this legislation. My platform is based on these concerns: too much growth without the necessary and basic infrastructure such as streets, sidewalks, schools, public safety officers and parks and open spaces. Instead of appropriate implementation, city hall has delayed and created exemptions to the legislation where none should exist.

What is one part of the city that you feel could definitely use more council attention, and why?

West Colfax west of Wadsworth is an area that has largely been ignored in allocating funding from the Lakewood Reinvestment Authority. Revitalization efforts along West Colfax began more than twenty years ago and have been largely unsuccessful. I have the ability to bring people together to find innovative, viable solutions to solve current problems and meet future needs with visionary legislation and Council action. We can’t improve by continuing to rubber-stamp ineffective policies.