• Mike Boyle and his daughter, Kaylee, recently visited the Antarctic.

About me

I moved to Castle Rock 23 years ago from Denver because I really wanted the Castle Rock small-town feel. Even though the population has grown from 5,000 people since I moved here, I still enjoy the semblance of small town that it has. It’s easy to meet people and people seem to have retain their rural friendliness.

Talking about food

I’ve been doing a restaurant radio show ever since moved to Castle Rock in Castle Rock and Colorado Springs, it is a pretty good gig. If your job is to get up every day, exercise and then go eating, it’s pretty good. I’ve been very happy and impressed with the 20 years of growth that the restaurant scene has seen.

Owning a restaurant

I had my own restaurant — a steakhouse — from 1979 to 1995. I’m proud of the fact that I’m a restaurant talk show host, I’m not a critic. I know how to run a restaurant and what constitutes good food and what it should provide to visitors. I wanted to live in Colorado but I needed a living when I moved here, so I bought a steakhouse in Copper Mountain, which I had for 10 years, and in Denver, which I had for 15 years. I ran it how I ran a baseball team.

Baseball before steaks

When I got out of the army, I went into baseball. I was a professional baseball manager in the 1970s for the Reds’ and Indians’ farm programs.

More about food

I really like all types of cuisine. When someone asks me the best or favorite meal, I always tell them I don’t know because sometimes I want a nice big steak and sometimes I want a burrito. I think that the best meal that anybody ever has will not necessarily be determined by the quality of the cuisine, but the totality of the experience. It’s the experience — I think so many people miss out on the experience.